Qualcom and GDPR
Qualcom will all adhere to the same policy to the right to be forgotten as long as the information is not required for other compliance purposes.
If you require a copy of your data or wish to be deleted from our database, log into our client portal From here you will see all relevant data.
Needless to say there are certain things we need to keep for various compliant reasons, like Revenue Requirement etc.
But here is the oxymoron of the GDPR Right to be Forgotten and why we will be doing the following:
Client requests the right to be forgotten
Qualcom will adher to this for marketing purposes BUT we will HAVE to store your request to be forgotten, which in effect will remember the client. But this is the only way we can ensure that you do not receive marketing emails
Prior to fullfilling a manual request there are certain key information that if we are providing a service to you that we NEED to keep, for example (but not limited to:
- General Billing information and history of payments
- Various 3rd party license files Cloud Subscription Accounts
- Databack ups -
We store our emails that also get backed up for a total of 90 days, with our cloud based email service we and our clients email who utilise the managed service also can enjoy a further back up if required. Clients who are looking for us to "forget" even this correspondance, again certain files will need to be removed and if a client wshes to recevie a copy of all email correspondance we can supply this upon request.
To raise a manual query please email to info@qualcom.ie and we will respond within 5 working days.